Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Danny Baker's Great Album Showdown

Details here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01qkvxr


  1. Before I watch it, how much does Jeremy Clarkson speak, compared to Stephen Street? I'm ideally looking for about a 1:50 ratio.

    I don't know who Kate Mossman is.

  2. It was about 50-50. To be honest Baker spoke far more than any of his guests.

    If you hate Clarkson, you'll probably find this grating, but I don't mind him, so it didn't bother me. He also only spoke about music, and didn't get any of his views on politics or the environment in there, which I'm guessing is what would have upset you. What did come across is that he really is quite passionate about the music he likes. If you don't like what he likes (and I'm guessing you probably don't) then you're going to disagree with him. If you put the four of us on there, we'd have very different views too. You would not, for example, no matter how much I bang on about it, ever embrace the charms of '...And Justice For All' by Metallica.

    The programme was really a forum for three very different people to talk about their favourite rock albums - and on this level it worked really well.

    I do recall a couple of moments where Clarkson was talking and Street could be seen in the background, not so much rolling his eyes, but certainly looking like he wanted to.

  3. I'll give it a go.

    That's despite having watched the "Pop" one last night, which was a bit of a shambles. No-one seem to have prepared anything much to say. They didn't attempt to distinguish pop from rock, so lots of the chat was about rock. Danny Baker's 4 albums were all from the 70s. And Boy George is apparently incapable of talking on any subject other than David Bowie.

  4. Didn't bother with the pop one to be honest.

    In fairness, 'Bowie' was pretty much all Street talked about too...

  5. The R 'n' Soul edition was pretty good. Martin Freeman knows his stuff. And Trevor Nelson is better at talking about it than he is opening ceremonies.
