Friday, 20 November 2015

Blame it on the Black Star

 So what do we think? I think it's great. Unlikely to leap onto my Bowie top ten tracks. But still great.


  1. You certainly get your money's worth... I think that could grow significantly on repeated listens.

    Anyway, there's an obvious follow up question. I know my top 1. I'll try and add another 9 to it.

  2. From an initial list of 22, I have arrived at the following (not in order):

    1. Life on Mars
    2. Moonage Daydream
    3. Rock ‘n’ Roll Suicide
    4. Sweet Thing
    5. Be My Wife
    6. Sound and Vision
    7. Wild is the Wind
    8. Heroes
    9. Ashes to Ashes
    10. China Girl

  3. Hmm musically it sounds like a King of Limbs B-side but then his voice kicks in and takes it to a different place. Maybe I'll feel differently after a few listens.

    As for the top 10, now how I know how Steve and Ray felt (now I know how Steve and Ray feeeeellllllttttt) when asked to do the Smiths version. I'll just download the track listing for Best of the Bowie and delete away until 10 are left standing.

  4. With a secure top three, but the other seven could probably be swapped for quite a lot of others:
    1. Sound and Vision
    2. Rebel Rebel
    3. Life On Mars?
    4. Young Americans
    5. Sweet Thing/Candidate/Sweet Thing (reprise)
    6. Queen Bitch
    7. Always Crashing in the Same Car
    8. Ziggy Stardust
    9. Station to Station
    10. Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)

  5. You've forgotten 'Heroes'.

  6. In, I think, chronological order:
    Life On Mars?
    John, I'm Only Dancing
    Sound And Vision
    Ashes To Ashes
    Let's Dance
    China Girl
    Modern Love

    Awaits purist onslaught.

  7. That's a perfectly respectable 10. Probably only J,IOD and ML that I wouldn't include in a version of mine.

    I think Raymond and I might have to three line whip the A-side of Low, though. 7 flawless songs (inc two instrumentals). I'd bet you'd add to S&V.

    1. I've listened to Low A LOT this year. ANCIANT is an almost constant IJ at the moment.

    2. A proper floor filler that one...

  8. A lot of eighties Bowie on there. Nothing wrong with that. I've often thought that 'Let's Dance' possibly has the strongest opening trio of any album.

  9. 1. Dancing in the Street
    2. Little Drummer Boy... :op

  10. Shit, I forgot about The Laughing Gnome. Put that in for Ashes to Ashes.
