Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Barts 2018 - Kelly

Best Album
Villagers: The Art of Pretending to Swim
Elvis Costello: Look Now
Lump: Lump
Best Song
Janelle Monae: The Way You Make me Feel
Marianne Faithfull: My Gypsy Faerie Queen
Unknown Mortal Orchestra: American Guilt
Thom Yorke: Suspirium
Best Musical Re-discovery
The Cure: Disintegration
Best Middle-Aged Man/Men Doing Excellent – If Hardly Ground-breaking – Stuff
The Elvis Costello album
Best Film
You Were Never Really Here
Three Billboards…
Best Book
Neil Gaiman: Norse Mythology
Best Gig/Event
Ash @ The Trades Club
Best TV Programme
Patrick Melrose
Killing Eve
Best Radio Programme
Best website
Best Sporting Moment
Hughies’s hat-trick against Warley Town
Liverpool FC
Worst Purchase / Disappointment
The new John Grant album
Best Child-Related Thing
Amateur drama: good for them and gets them out of the house regularly for a long time
Best Lifestyle Change
Work has been somewhat all consuming this year. I need to work on this category for next year.
My wife
Person, People or Thing You’d Most Like to See Set Upon By a Pack of Wolves
The numerous audience members on Question Time who say anything relating to “taking back control” or “we did fine by ourselves before”
The Winning Thing You’d Most Recommend Your Fellow Judges to Own/Have/Consume/Do
On the basis that I think not many of you have … seek out Patrick Melrose


  1. I had a listen to the Villagers album. It's very good. In a different life it might have sounded like a Travis album of 1998 (no bad thing IMO) but the [RCV] producer seems to have told them to go away and put some eclectic sounds in the background which works 99% of the time.

  2. Glad you liked it. I'm a fan of pretty much everything they have done, but if you were to explore a second album I think I'd suggest Awayland.

  3. I shall give it a go on my lengthy truncated drive to Porthmadog today (plus any other recommendations). I really like the latest single they've released.

  4. What happened to your Bowie-a-thon?
