Sunday, 10 February 2019

Bob Mortimer Desert Island Discs. 3/2/19

This is a good listen


  1. Seconded. He sounds like a really nice person.

  2. I listened t'other day. Didn't know the story behind him and Vic i.e. that Gig Night Out existed before him. I watched the fishing programme with Paul Whitehouse (I like fishing). Wasn't exactly belly laughs, but as he describes it - nostalgic. Most of the humour came from the fact that Whitehouse takes his fishing really seriously. You could see him getting wound up by BM's mucking around for laughs...

  3. I really liked the fishing show. If they do it again I'd like to see Whitehouse loosen up a bit. He seemed a bit reluctant to show his private side. More Enfield/Fast Show anecdotes and impersonations of Bob's Teesside accent would be good.
