Friday, 13 December 2013

And the winners are...

Arcade Fire,
Andy Murray,
Rachel Riley,
Daft Punk, and er, 
Ian Watkins

Are we all becoming a little more conservative in our tastes?


  1. It could be said we are connoisseurs of quality? It had actually occurred to me that when we worked/socialised/gigged together we often produced very similar lists. A centrifugal effect. Thrust us to the two corners of the country and we come up with very different stuff. Anyhoo, I am going to give the National and Artic Monkeys albums a go. Sorry "Steve" the souped up Xr3is racing doesn't do it for me.

  2. Google Play are doing some cheap albums of the year. Daft Punk is the loss leader at £1.99 but there's also good prices on Haim, Everything Everything and lots more.
