Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Kelly - Barts 2014

Best album
War on Drugs – Lost in the Dream
The Delines – Colfax
Gruff Rhys – American Interior
Elbow - Take off and Landing…
Ryan Adams – Ryan Adams

Best song
Future Islands – Seasons
Joan as Police Woman – Holy City 

Best musical rediscovery
Scott Walker – Scott 4

Best film
Blue is the warmest colour (very very rude)

Best book
Everybody Poos

Best gig
Prince at Leeds Arena

Best TV programme
Peaky Blinders

Best radio

Best website

Best sporting moment
Germany disassembling Brazil in the World Cup semi-final

Sky +

Worst purchase / disappointment
The new Ray Lamontagne album is pants

Best child related thing
Self-service in the bottom-wiping department

The girl in a support band I saw: We Were Evergreen

Person, People or Thing You’d Most Like to See Set Upon By a Pack of Wolves

The Winning Thing You’d Most Recommend Your Fellow Judges to Own/Have/Consume/Do
Not watch Blue is the Warmest Colour in the company of extended family


  1. I'll check out the Delines. Listened to a bit of Scott Walker too this year, so I'll go for that.

    I'm hoping Farage sees the irony of being set upon by non-native animals...

  2. No Drenge? "Victims" of packing their success into the first couple of months of the year?

  3. This crossed my mind a few weeks back: whatever happened to Drenge? I think the answer might be: Royal Blood.
