Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Sam - Barts 2014

NB: These aren’t very well ordered, it’s more of a representative selection of music, and specifically music that it’s good to work to. So, it’s not necessarily all that challenging either…

Best Album
Future Islands - Singles
War on Drugs – Lost in the Dream
Todd Terje – It’s Album Time
Gruff Rhys – American Interior
St Vincent – St Vincent

Best Song
Moz – Kiss Me A Lot
Marr – Money Money
Alvvays – Marry Me Archie
Lykke Li – No Rest For the Wicked
Mogwai – Teenage Exorcists

Best Musical Re-discovery
Beatles – Abbey Road
The 801 - Live
Dexy’s – Searching For the Young Soul Rebels
JAMC – Darklands
Gene Clark – No Other

Best Film
Not seen many. Er, How to Train Your Dragon 2?

Best Book
Joshua Ferris - And Then We Came To The End. It’s about an ad agency where everyone is slowly made redundant…

Best Gig/Event
War on Drugs

Best TV Programme
Horrible Histories

Best Radio Programme

Best Website

Best Sporting Moment
Winning the title. Again.

My eye-wateringly expensive office chair. Not a cure, but a real salve for back-knack.

Worst Purchase / Disappointment
I’ve tried very hard to love the new Elbow album. It’s a lot better, but something is missing still.

Best Child-Related Thing
Getting Cary on a proper bike. Family cycles (usually to/from pubs) are the future.

Best Lifestyle Change
Moving to what is hopefully home for the long term. Tonnes to do, but the luxury of time in which to do it properly.

Rachel Riley

Person, People or Thing You’d Most Like to See Set Upon By a Pack of Wolves

The Winning Thing You’d Most Recommend Your Fellow Judges to Own/Have/Consume/Do
Via Spotify I have listened to a greater variety of new (and new-to-me-music) music than I have for many years.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I must confess to having never heard of Todd Terje prior to him cropping up on end of year lists. I'm pretty sure that there's going to be a clear album of the year this year...
